Friday, August 6, 2010

Nathalie's Gourmet Studio: July Menu.

It has been a couple of months back since my first visit. Was in the neighbourhood for a product launch, on a Friday, and with my reputation at stake, had to decide on where to go for an impressive one2two.

As Nathalie's was just around the corner from where we were, I made the call and went for it.

Of course, me being me, almost couldn't find the place until I saw the directional bunting... and just then, I recalled an earlier complaint from some friends who dropped by a couple of weeks back. Apparently, Chef Nathalie wasn't in the kitchen, and the beef was overdone and the chicken, dry.

It was too late to change my mind. We were running late and overly hungry. I prayed for the chef to be standing over the stove...

God is great. And so was Nathalie's Chicken & King Prawns, Beef Bourguignon and Lamb Loin.

For reservations, call 03-6207 9572.


Unknown said...


The Janitor said...


HOHOHOHO said...

All her dishes seem to have that frothy stuff, no?